Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cabbage diet for Leo

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a fad diet that has caught on for years now.
You don't necessarily have to love cabbage but you must have at least tolerance for this green leafy vegetable. On some days, other fruits and vegetables are added to the cabbage diet for Leo and the dieter is encouraged to eat as much fruits and vegetables available. Some try to add spices to make it more palatable but all in all, cabbage soup can be very boring and tasteless.

Cabbage diet is not equally useful for all representatives of Leo zodiac. It depends on many factors including year birth.

Below we site the table of fruitful cabbage diet for Leo according year of birth.Zero means neitral impact,+5 max usefullness, -5 max undesirability for health.
And remember that cooking with astrology improve your health.

Cabbage diet for Leo according birth years

Brussels sprouts Cauliflower Kohlrabi Red cabbage White cabbage
Dog +5 +3 +1 +5 +2
Dragon 0 +5 +3 +2 -1
Goat 0 0 +2 +3 0
Horse +2 +2 +5 +2 +2
Monkey +2 +3 -2 +2 -2
Ox 0 +4 +4 +4 +2
Pig +3 +4 +3 +3 +5
Rabbit +4 0 0 +4 +2
Rat +2 +2 +2 +5 +3
Rooster +2 +3 +3 +2 -4
Snake +4 +3 +2 0 -2
Tiger +2 +2 +2 +2 0

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